Fundraising is a critical component of what helps Reach Unlimited thrive. Annually, Reach is challenged to raise nearly $3900 per full time client to help meet the difference between Medicaid funding and the costs to operate our programs. Annually that translates to $1,000,000 needed to bridge the gap and make ends meet.
Reach takes a multifaceted approach to garnering the financial support needed to meet members needs. Staff members and volunteers work to secure grants and foundation monies for operating expenses. Staff and volunteers work hard to help others learn about Reach Unlimited, get connected, and become members of the Friends of Reach Giving Society. Seizing opportunities for community volunteerism and business partnerships are key to connecting support to Reach.
Public Accountability
Reach Unlimited, Inc. believes the best possible approach to non profit management is transparency. As a benchmark for potential donors, volunteers and the community as a whole, Reach partners both the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan Houston and nationally with Guidestar to ensure information about the organization is accurate and available to the public.

To view the organization’s IRS Form-990 and other information please visit Reach’s Guidestar listing.

Reach Unlimited, Inc. is an Accredited Non-Profit with the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan Houston.
Corporate Supporters
Becoming a sponsor at Reach not only provides an incredible opportunity to market a business’ brand, reach new customers, and increase sales, but more so, it is a gift that keeps on giving. Sponsorship facilitates Reach Unlimited’s mission to help our members strive toward independence which in turn strengthens our community and reduces members dependance on governmental assistance. A sponsorship is a relationship, built in shared ideals that translate to the entire Reach family, associating trust and credibility to the brand.
Learn More about Corporate Sponsorship