Reach offers two different tours, Family and Community, so guests can get a firsthand look at programs in action and get their specific questions answered.
Family Tours
Family tours provide loved ones an intimate view of the programs and services offered during day programming at the Learning Activity Center and an opportunity to address more specific questions concerning procedures for enrolling those with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Community Tours
Community Tours are designed to educate and inspire guests by giving a detailed look at Reach’s programs and services, from day programming to residential. If interested in volunteering, part of a community group or organization or want general information about Reach Unlimited, please join the community tour.
Invite State Legislators to a Reach Out Tour
Inviting legislators on a Reach Out Tour is an excellent way for them to see firsthand how busy, valuable, and life-changing the work here at Reach Unlimited is for members, their families, and the community. Read more for further resources and sample letters to assist.